
Mystical or Scientific Marketing

Most marketing is mystical in the eyes of business owners.

They don’t know whether it is making them a profit or a loss.

When I ask them whether the £1000 they spent on ads made them a profit, they plainly have to say……. they don’t know.

Even worse, some “marketers” hired by businesses don’t know and play it off by saying their ads are improving “brand awareness”, whatever that means.

Do you know if your ads are profitable?

The simple definition of a successful ad is when the sales due to the ad has greater money value than your time and money costs. By this definition, most ads would make more money if they didn’t exist.

The only trouble is most business owners never know if their ads are netting them profit or if they are just throwing money down the drain.

Since the performance of their marketing is not measurable, they are effectively basing their entire marketing campaign on guesswork.

Most business owners, like yourself, would not even think to throw money down the drain buying goods that can’t sell or delivering services at a loss so why would you spend your hard-earned money on a marketing campaign which is just burning cash?

What is even more frustrating is that in the 21st century, it has never been easier to make marketing measurable.

Measure your marketing

With the advent of social media, all advertising done on it can be tracked using the ad library or database.

It tells you what works and what doesn’t.

Instead of giving up your money to the mystical god of marketing, you can instead try and compare different ads to see which performs best using an AB split test.

This is a game changer that turns marketing from a mystical art to a science where you change your marketing campaign based purely off results.

This means your marketing campaign should always net you profits, not losses.

If you are interested…

Most people do not know how to run an AB split test or use it to compare ads. If you would like us to help you with this and with making your marketing measurable, contact us using the button below.