
Double the conversions and half the length

Most business owners make their ads a Tolkien-sized tome, as complicated as rocket-science and consequently have half the potential conversions they should get. Just a small change could double their ad conversions and make their ads significantly more profitable. Sounds too good to be true right? If something so simple could improve your ads, wouldn’t everyone do it? Well, almost no one knows about it. You will be one of the few who do. So keep on reading and find out the secret.

Philosophical Ads

Business owners write their ads like philosophical treatises; are they trying to find the meaning of life? No. Are they trying to ascertain the reason of human existence? No, they are only trying to sell the prospect on their service.

Then why are most ads so confusing to read?

If ads seem confusing to me, the one who is trying to analyse the ad, then most prospects would be confused as well and just scroll past immediately.

Still, most business owners believe they need to write longer ads to reduce confusion. This has the opposite effect. Reading a book with 1000 pages, which could have been written in 3, means that you will be reading through 997 pages of unadulterated waffle. Adding length is not the same as adding clarity.

The reason behind underperformance

Ads that do not have a clear message might as well look like rocket science to your customers (unless you are selling rocket science, then it’s great).

I found that the longest ads tend to perform the worst, and no, not because everyone has the attention span of a goldfish (although some do), its because most of the ad is waffle.

This makes the main message of the ad unclear.

Put simply, if I don’t know what you are offering, why would I keep reading?

This can be the piece de resistance of underperforming ads.

An unclear message accentuated by lengthy copy, of which 90% adds no value or clarity.

To truly understand how unclear some of these lengthy ads can be, imagine trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics while hanging upside down over a flaming brazier…sounds unpleasant.

So how do you add clarity to your ads?

The key to clarity

Like most things, it’s a simple solution. All you have to do is read over your ad copy and omit all the needless words.

When you read the ad, it should flow out of your mouth like water. If you hear yourself stopping and starting all over the place (like a 1970s VW Golf), it’s a sign that your copy is full of needless words and sentences.

If you remove the waffle, your ad copy will be oozing brevity.

Instead of your ad being a mountain of word salad and sentence cream, it will be a delicious chocolate parfait with every bite tasting delectable to your customer.

With your newly formed concise ads, your customers will immediately know what your offer is and know if they want to keep reading. Some will and some will give you a sale (thank me later).

P.S. If you would like us to take a look at your own ad copy and make sure your sentences just ooze brevity, contact us using the button below.